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Thrombectomy Device

Higher Thrombecomty Efficiency

  • Wide size range: 3-20/ 7-42
  • The lowest radial force, furthest intimal integrity
  • Clamping and engaging the clots
  • Full length visibility

Mechanical thrombectomy devices comprise a wide array of endovascular tools cleared for removing thrombi from the neurovasculature in acute ischemic stroke patients.

Neurovascular Thrombectomy Devices Market is expected to witness a CAGR of 6.4% between 2022 and 2026. The rise in neurovascular disorders and the increasing geriatric population are contributing to the increase in demand for Neurovascular Thrombectomy Devices.

Furthermore, the development of technologically sophisticated products and initiatives to raise awareness about neurovascular illnesses and their prevention are among the reasons that are anticipated to drive the market for Neurovascular Thrombectomy Devices.

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