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Long Sheaths

Long Sheath Quick Details

  • Hemostasis valve is positively opposed to "+" slot, good hemostasis
  • Sheath bend resistance
  • Vascular permeability
  • Easy to puncture
  • Hydrophilic coating
  • The friction is limited and the passability is good.

These long sheaths are intended to percutaneously insert into a blood vessel during interventional operation, guiding angiographic catheter, guiding catheter, balloon catheter and other similar catheters into artery and vein.

This product is used to inject radiographic media for Peripheral vascular system during interventional operation.

Angiography is an interventional test in which a contrast agent is injected into the blood vessels. Because x-rays cannot penetrate the contrast agent, angiography uses this property to diagnose vascular lesions by the image of the contrast agent on the X-ray

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